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Mere's Edge Federation

Hebrews 10: Verse 24: Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds

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Mere's Edge Federation

Hebrews 10: Verse 24: Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds

Celebrating life at Cockshutt

We are delighted to have in place our gift from Dorothy Birch.   Dossy as she was fondly known dedicated her life to the pupils of Cockshutt CE Primary, working in the kitchen her whole life.   She passed away at the beginning of this year and money donated at her funeral was donated to the school, for something long lasting for the children. Dossy had the children at the heart of her life always. 


Our children can now join together daily on the playground and enjoy their special seat in loving memory of Dossy
