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Mere's Edge Federation

Hebrews 10: Verse 24: Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds

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Mere's Edge Federation

Hebrews 10: Verse 24: Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds



My name is Mandy Jones and I am the Executive

Headteacher of Mere’s Edge Federation.  

I am so blessed to work with the most brilliant team 

over our schools who continually provide an exciting,

supportive curriculum which endeavours to

meet the needs of every child as they walk through 

the doors of our schools.  


We have been working in partnership since

September 2017 and have enjoyed creating learning

opportunities which use our local area as the springboard.  


We know that rural small schools provide a unique

environment in which children can gain confidence,

work together, make mistakes and celebrate successes.  


As Church schools we pay careful attention to the

spiritual development and  encourage every child to

become the unique individual they were created to be. 



Please contact me for information about our Federation
