Outdoor Learning
Learning Outside the Classroom
We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances. During the school day, learning happens everywhere, within the school buildings, in the playground, in our Forest School area and in external environments.
Wherever possible, the staff incorporate learning outside the classroom into their curriculum.
Across all classes the staff are supported and encouraged to take learning beyond the four internal walls. In Early Years and Year 1, activities are set up in the outdoor area to allow children to develop and become independent. These activities reflect what is within the classroom, including topic work and learning activities.
In every year group children experience a range of visits, close to school and further afield, including:
- Chester Zoo; Park Hall Farm; Roman Experience Chester; Old Oswestry and Whittington Castle – all linked to areas of study
- Journey Day (termly)
- Learning in neighbouring schools
- Theatre visits
- Adventurous activities including a residential visit – Min-y-Don
- Out of hours clubs – e.g. Shropshire Sings, Young Voices
- School teams away fixtures, swimming lessons, give-it-a-go sports sessions (fully inclusive)
- St Matthew’s Church, entertaining at Parish Hall and much more
Class teachers arrange at least one educational visit to enrich the curriculum per term.
The children regularly take part in swimming lessons at the local pool and Forest School sessions which take place in our Forest School site weekly. Children can access the walking bus during the week to have a healthy start and end to the school day, rambling through the countryside.
Forest School
Forest School sessions take place in the outdoor environment and are seen as a way of getting children outdoors and in touch with nature. Forest School is held over a long period of time and is about child-centred learning and engagement with the natural world. It focuses on children being guided by their own curiosity rather than completing tasks set by the teacher. They learn through play and discovery, collaboration and risk taking eg. fire lighting and using knives.
There are elements of the curriculum that are well suited to be covered in Forest School such as habitats, weather, structures, plant and tree identification, life cycle of plants. Forest School also gives the children a wonderful opportunity to use spoken language and their imagination using natural materials.
We make every effort to ensure that learning outside the classroom is accessible to all regardless of their special educational or medical needs, ethnic origin, gender or religion so that the whole group can participate fully and be actively involved.